It's been a huge week for marriage equality. Florida became the 36th state with the freedom to marry, judges in three southern states heard oral arguments, and the Supreme Court considered cases from five states. Plus a lawmaker in Texas is wasting everyone's time with a new anti-gay law that would make life difficult for everyone.
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Showing posts with label Atlanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlanta. Show all posts
Monday, January 12, 2015
Monday, July 21, 2014
(MNW) Supreme Court Preparation Intensifies!
Another week, and another win for marriage equality. This time, it's Florida. But the freedom to marry is in jeopardy in Colorado. Meanwhile an appeals court has set a date for oral argument in two states, but then said never mind. And the Department of Justice has indicated its plans for addressing the freedom to marry before the Supreme Court.
LGBT News,
Marriage News Watch,
Monday, April 28, 2014
(MNW) NOM's Latest Failure!
The National Organization for Marriage is scrambling to defend Oregon's marriage ban at the last minute, but things aren't exactly going how they'd hoped. The case to overturn Virginia's marriage ban gets a boost from one of the authors of the state's constitution. And the Governor of Pennsylvania wants to skip a trial on marriage and go straight to a ruling.
Monday, April 14, 2014
(MNW) Republican Icon Joins Marriage Equality Movement!
A Republican icon comes out in support of marriage equality. We've had a sting of major marriage wins in the last few months, but now anti-gay groups will keep trying to tear those victories down in a series of hearings. Support for marriage equality is picking up in conservative states, a terminally ill woman in Indiana is one step closer to getting her marriage recognized, and we have more lawsuits on the horizon in the south.
Marriage News Watch,
Monday, January 20, 2014
OVTV: (Marriage News Watch) Dueling Marriage Victories in the Midwest!
A huge victory in Oklahoma this week, with yet another marriage ban declared unconstitutional. Now comes the appeal, in the same federal circuit as the Utah case. We'll take a look at what to expect. Plus, more progress across the country, from Indiana to Texas to Idaho and Georgia.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Saturday, February 18, 2012
ICE HOT: A Ski Week in Georgia?
Apparently it's very cold in Tbilisi, Georgia. Making for some good ice fishing.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
JUSTICE: Federal Court Rules Georgia General Assembly Engaged in Discrimination in Firing of Trans Editor
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday in favor of Vandy Beth Glenn, a transgender proofreader at the Georgia General Assembly who was fired after she made her intentions to transition from male to female known to her employer, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:
Glenn was hired at the Office of Legislative Counsel in 2005 when she was a man named Glenn Morrison. That year, she was diagnosed with gender identity disorder, and her doctors recommended a gender transition for her health and well-being.
Glenn began living outside work as a woman, underwent electrolysis and had surgeries to lift her brow and narrow her jaw line. In October 2007, she told her supervisor she was going to begin coming to work as a woman. Sewell Brumby, who at the time headed the office, then asked Glenn whether she fully intended to become a woman. When Glenn said she did, Brumby fired her.
Glenn began living outside work as a woman, underwent electrolysis and had surgeries to lift her brow and narrow her jaw line. In October 2007, she told her supervisor she was going to begin coming to work as a woman. Sewell Brumby, who at the time headed the office, then asked Glenn whether she fully intended to become a woman. When Glenn said she did, Brumby fired her.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
FRAUD: University Demands Workers Sign 'Not Gay' Pledge!
Georgia's Shorter University wants to know what's happening in its workers' bedrooms. The conservative Christian university is demanding that its 200 employees sign a "Personal Lifestyle Statement" rejecting homosexuality, adultery, and premarital sex, the New York Daily News reports.
Those who don't sign the pledge face losing their jobs. "I think that anybody that adheres to a lifestyle outside of what the biblical mandate is would not be allowed to continue here," the school's president says. The pledge also bans teachers and administrators from drinking alcohol in the presence of students and requires them to be active in local churches. Students aren't required to sign the statement but many of them, as well as some employees, are upset about the pledge, a university employee tells the Georgia Voice. "We now will live in fear that someone who doesn't like us personally or someone who has had a bad day will report that we've been drinking or that we are suspected of being gay," he says.
Those who don't sign the pledge face losing their jobs. "I think that anybody that adheres to a lifestyle outside of what the biblical mandate is would not be allowed to continue here," the school's president says. The pledge also bans teachers and administrators from drinking alcohol in the presence of students and requires them to be active in local churches. Students aren't required to sign the statement but many of them, as well as some employees, are upset about the pledge, a university employee tells the Georgia Voice. "We now will live in fear that someone who doesn't like us personally or someone who has had a bad day will report that we've been drinking or that we are suspected of being gay," he says.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
AVAILABLE: Is Bishop Eddie Long now single?
It’s been a difficult week for Bishop Eddie Long. The View’s Sherri Shepherd dogged him out. Fellow minister Creflo Dollar offered a defense that didn’t help much.Now there are rumors that Vanessa Long, the First Lady of New Birth, has left her man (thanks to Rod. 2.0 for this intel). The talk is that she has taken the children and moved out the house, according to No word from the pr team of New Birth.
As most of you know, the good Bishop settled with four young men who charged him with using treats (trips and such) for booty. You would think after forking money over, Long would keep quiet for a while. He recently asked for more donations for two new satellite branches. The request was only for anything up to $1,000.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
OUT: Georgia politician Rashad Taylor comes out as gay!
The State Representative of Georgia, Rashad Taylor, has officially come out as being gay, reports Examinier. Among a small group of politicians openly gay and working in the government, Rashad decided to come out after a sex scandal hit the news. In coming out, he has shared his recent trials in deciding to go public with his sexualtity – a process that can take years to really develop. Part of the Democrative Party of Georgia, Taylor stands to make a difference in the labor shortage the state is currently facing, being called a true leader by many.
Friday, May 27, 2011
DOWN LOW: Long settles with accusers!
Bishop Eddie Long, the head of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, has settled with the four young men who charged him with sexual misconduct.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the case is to be dismissed with prejudice, “meaning the defendant cannot be sued by the plaintiffs again in the same alleged offense.”
The terms of the settlement are confidential. New Birth released a statement, essentially requesting everyone to move to higher ground.
“This decision was made to bring closure to this matter and to allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry.”
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the case is to be dismissed with prejudice, “meaning the defendant cannot be sued by the plaintiffs again in the same alleged offense.”
The terms of the settlement are confidential. New Birth released a statement, essentially requesting everyone to move to higher ground.
“This decision was made to bring closure to this matter and to allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry.”
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
CHEAP: Long case close to being settled!
Looks like the Bishop Eddie Long drama will end in a whimper. Long, the head of Atlanta’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, was charged by four different young men of giving them trips and expensive gifts for sex (oh, so that’s how you do it).As reported by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Judge Johnny Panos met with reporters and said an agreement was within “field goal range.” If meditation fails, the case goes to trial this summer.
If Long’s lawyer’s are smart, notes, they will settle, have their client move on, and suggest a good therapist. The last thing the minister needs is to sit in open court with Maurice Robinson, Jamal Parris, Anthony Flagg and Spencer LeGrande, his accusers. Even if you assume Long is completely innocent of the charges, a fair assumption, his brand will be tarnished even more when salacious details of alleged gay sex are made part of the official record. Apparently ever since this story first hit, attendance and donations at New Birth are down. The church staff has been cut and employees pay was decreased.
If Long’s lawyer’s are smart, notes, they will settle, have their client move on, and suggest a good therapist. The last thing the minister needs is to sit in open court with Maurice Robinson, Jamal Parris, Anthony Flagg and Spencer LeGrande, his accusers. Even if you assume Long is completely innocent of the charges, a fair assumption, his brand will be tarnished even more when salacious details of alleged gay sex are made part of the official record. Apparently ever since this story first hit, attendance and donations at New Birth are down. The church staff has been cut and employees pay was decreased.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Atlanta Cemetery Plans Separate Section for Gay People!
A gay Atlanta cemetery owner plans to create a section specifically for gay people who want to be buried near other gay people, similar to a cemetery in Copenhagen, Denmark which in 2008 announced it was reserving 36 specific urns for the same purpose.
The Georgia Voice reports: John Suggs of Dignity Memorial said the idea of having a gay section in a cemetery seemed like a natural progression gay men and lesbians gather more acceptance in mainstream society.
"We have to make our traditions. In a way this is a way to honor our relationships in a simple but proud way. Being able to be next to your partner at end of life is important, comforting and a reassuring thing to know," he said.
The Georgia Voice reports: John Suggs of Dignity Memorial said the idea of having a gay section in a cemetery seemed like a natural progression gay men and lesbians gather more acceptance in mainstream society.
"We have to make our traditions. In a way this is a way to honor our relationships in a simple but proud way. Being able to be next to your partner at end of life is important, comforting and a reassuring thing to know," he said.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Atlanta Police LGBT training includes offensive word 'transvestite'!
The Atlanta Police Department has recently undertaken serious training on LGBT issues with LGBT liaison officers Patricia Powell and Brian Sharp teaching the classes, Reports the Georgia Voice. .
At a recent LGBT citizen advisory group meeting, Officer Sharp said training of the entire command staff has taken place and now training of officers and citizen employees will take place through May.
The APD made available the documents and Power Point presentation being used to train officers. Special emphasis is paid to the fact that LGBT people have often faced discrimination and harassment from police in the past. The Stonewall riots are also explained in the training as part of the queer community fighting back against police harassment and as the spark the started the modern gay rights movement.
And while most of the education plan seems fairly proper and empathetic toward the LGBT community, we couldn’t help but be struck that in the definition section of the Power Point presentation, where such words as “sexual orientation” and “transgender” are accurate, the police continue to want to use the word “transvestite.”
At a recent LGBT citizen advisory group meeting, Officer Sharp said training of the entire command staff has taken place and now training of officers and citizen employees will take place through May.
The APD made available the documents and Power Point presentation being used to train officers. Special emphasis is paid to the fact that LGBT people have often faced discrimination and harassment from police in the past. The Stonewall riots are also explained in the training as part of the queer community fighting back against police harassment and as the spark the started the modern gay rights movement.
And while most of the education plan seems fairly proper and empathetic toward the LGBT community, we couldn’t help but be struck that in the definition section of the Power Point presentation, where such words as “sexual orientation” and “transgender” are accurate, the police continue to want to use the word “transvestite.”
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