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Showing posts with label Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

(Blank on Blank) Ray Charles on Singing True!

"If somebody don't like something that I do, that's his or her prerogative. Just like it's mine."
- Ray Charles

Interview by Joe Smith
June 3, 1987. Cassette Tape

Recorded during the writing of Off the Record
Hear the full interview catalog at The Library of Congress

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

(Blank on Blank) Maya Angelou on Con Men!

"The only way you can be a mark is if you want something for nothing. If you're greedy, you're set up." - Maya Angelou, as told to Studs Terkel in 1970

Get the backstory, GIFs and more @ http://blankonblank.org
Hear the full interview with Maya Angelou @ http://studsterkel.org

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

(SLGFF 2014) INTER-view: MK chats with Director, Patrk-Ian Polk about 'Blackbird', Isaiah Washington, and any more Noah's Arc(?)!

Polk poses w/ Julian Walker, Star of 'Blackbird"  
by MK Scott

This Past Sunday was the Seattle Screening of Patrik-Ian Polk's latest, Blackbird, a story about a teen that wrestles with coming out and his love for God. His Parents are played by Oscar Winner, Mo'nique and Isaiah Washington (Yes, Grey's Anatomy) and set in Polk's Hometown of Hattiesburg,  Mississippi. I was able to chat with Patrik on various topics related to the Film as well what's ahead with his LOGO's Noah's Arc.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

OVTV: (It's EVERYTHING with BeBe Sweetbriar) Black History Month with SPECIAL PERFORMANCE by vocalist Dee Coco Johnson!

Tune in to the EPISODE III edition of It's Everything at 7PM with BEBE Sweetbriar with a Black History Month Tribute to Whitney Houston. Guests XOXO Entertainment Promoter Mansingh Chouhan, SF Emperor Candidate John Paul Soto, The Management and Creative Team of Supperclub SF, and a SPECIAL PERFORMANCE by vocalist Dee Coco Johnson

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Black DC church leaders look to reconcile with the LGBT community!

Public apologies, minus any equivocation, are so uncommon that when they happen attention should be paid. A number of Washington, DC areas churches asked for forgiveness from the gay community.

As reported by The Root, a group of predominantly black church leaders wanted to sit down with the “LGBT community” and apologize for the anti-gay rhetoric coming from the pulpit.
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