Lots of confrontations in these scenes which is fun and Abigail is at the center of two of them.
She tells Will off and Will can’t seem to get out the sentence about him trying to keep her name out of piece. Abby even calls out Will for being a whore, since Will got paid for services rendered and Abby did not.
After gabbing with Sonny, busy Abigail then goes over to the mansion and slaps Sami across the face. Good one!
Oh, and there’s this: Will finds out Sonny’s uncle Victor owns the magazine he wrote the article for.
Sonny calls Will out for being ‘on a power trip’ with the magazine article about his mom and EJ.
He says if Will had not been so ‘desperate for attention’ then all of the fallout would not be happening right now.
Sonny: ‘Anyone with half a brain could figure out who EJ was sleeping with. It didn’t occur to you that maybe this would go viral?’
Will: ‘I am a writer, not a reporter. I don’t know that stuff.’Duh.
The fight escalates and Will is furious that Sonny got him the magazine writing gig in the first place.
Is the honeymoon over?