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Thursday, May 24, 2012

(MK SCOTT) IDOL RESULTS: Did the Cute, White, Guy win again?

There’s no recap of last night’s performances, no analysis from Jimmy Iovine. It’s straight to “dim the lights.” And the winner is, of course, Phillip Phillips.

His eyes go wide, and he’s quickly bombarded by the other 11 contestants. Jessica’s face is hidden as she quickly scoops Phillip into a hug. There are shots of his extended family in the audience cheering and crying. Scotty McCreery is standing by with a guitar, and then hands him a trophy. A TROPHY? Since when? It’s an old-fashioned-looking silver microphone. Ryan quickly takes the trophy away and Scotty hands Phillip a guitar to sing his new victory song, “Home.”

And then it’s like nothing happened at all. He’s so low-key, Phillip seems totally unaffected by the news. But then halfway through, as sparks rain down on him from above, he starts crying. He’s still playing guitar, but soon, even that stops working. Confetti is just getting stuck in his tears. Finally, he just takes the instrument off of him, walks off stage, and right into the arms of his family.

It’s a moving moment—and one we probably wouldn’t get to experience if Jessica, the pageant pro, had won.

So, congrats Phillip. For now, I’m just going to enjoy your new single, “Home,” which is actually a very good song, and not make fun of you and your kidney stones anymore—until next year, anyway.

And that’s a wrap...Until the Tour coming through Seattle on July 17th and I will be there to get the scoop on your Gay Faves. Start sending questions. 

1 comment:

  1. Why does it ALWAYS have to be about RACE with liberal homosexuals? Or ANY liberal, for that matter. What, a cute White guy can't win a talent contest IF HE'S FUCKING TALENTED? We just have to automatically give the award/title to a black person or a hispanic female or something? You people need to get the fuck over yourselves....really.


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