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Thursday, April 26, 2012

(OUTscene AMERICA) RE-view: Eddie's Take on Week 13 of RDR!

by Eddie Walker

Last week’s episode (12) was RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Season 4 recap episode. I didn’t even watch it, because I haven’t missed an episode and I hate re-runs. This week’s episode (13), the queens fought to the death, leaving only one. And America’s next Drag Super Star is…No, wait. RuPaul didn’t name a winner, or even a top two for that matter. She pulled a fast one on us, and decided to withhold who the winner is until the reunion episode next week. I’m not mad at her. She’s just trying to keep those high ratings for one more week. That’s okay though. After watching this week’s episode, I already know exactly how it’s all going to go down.

This week, there was no mini-challenge. This was the video episode, where the girls starred in RuPaul’s “Glamazon” video. They were judged on their acting ability, and how well they performed the choreography. And let me tell ya, it surprised me how it all turned out.

Sharon Needles. Poor, poor Sharon Needles. Would you believe she gave the worst performance out of all the girls. Overly theatrical is what I would call her acting. And the poor girl couldn’t follow a dance routine, even if her life depended on it. She’s lucky she’s only had to ‘lip-sync for her life’ once, because I’m sure the right girl could have sent her packing a few episodes ago. Even in the runway challenge, what Sharon Needles was trying to sell, I just wasn’t buying. I think she wore something from a previous episode. Whereas, Chad Michaels and Phi O’Hara came out in breath-taking looks that I’m sure they were saving through out the entire season for just this moment.

Chad Michaels and PhiPhi O’Hara are definitely the top two of the three. And I have to say, that I can’t pick one over the other in regards to who performed the best. They were both right-on. It should definitely be Chad and PhiPhi ‘lip-syncing for their life’ to see who will be named the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race (Season 4). Instead, Miss Ru threw us another curve ball by allowing all three of the final contestants to ‘lip-sync for their life.’ It didn’t make a difference though.

Chad and PhiPhi blew Sharon out of the water. Chad, as usual, was professional, professional, professional; she gave a flawless performance. PhiPhi tried to keep up with Chad the best she could, but she just wasn’t good enough. Almost, but not quite. And poor little Sharon Needles got left in the dust. Even though she’s not the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Sharon Needles will always be the Queen Bee of Pittsburgh.

I know we have to wait until next week to see who the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race (Season 4) is. However, let me be the first to tell you. Chad Michaels is the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race. It would be a travesty of justice if any other queen was named the winner. I don’t care what the fans say. This is not a popularity contest, kids.

I’d like to end my review with a personal message for PhiPhi O’Hara. “PhiPhi, through out the season, you were the most hated queen out of all the contestants. And you deserved it. You’re young; you’re cute (snaggle-tooth and all); you’re talented; and you’re a funny bitch. You’re ‘go back to party city’ read was the best I’ve ever heard. You’re definitely one of my favorite RuPaul’s Drag Race queens of all time. Also, I would like to add that my heart goes out to you regarding what you had to deal with growing up with your father. I can’t even imagine what it was like, because my father was exactly the opposite. All I can say on the subject is, ‘let it go’, which I think you have. Just look at you. You’re an international super star, and you’re loved by many, me especially. So please, love yourself, and everybody else. Okay? Can I get an ‘Amen’?


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