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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

(OUTscene America) RE-view: Eddie's Take on Week 11's RDR!

by Eddie Walker

In this week’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race (Season 4/Episode 11), everybody was a ‘BITCH’, literally and figuratively. For the mini-challenge this week, each contestant had to create a ‘Bitch Fest’ puppet show, where their puppet was a fellow competitor who had to be dragged up in their likeness. This mini-challenge is similar to the ‘reading’ challenge. The only difference is they had to create ‘bitchy’ banter, instead of just having to ‘read’ a bitch.

The pair-ups went as follows:

Latrice Royale w/ Sharon Needles puppet.

Sharon Needles w/ Chad Michaels puppet.

PhiPhi O’Hara w/ Latrice Royale puppet.
Chad Michaels w/ PhiPhi O’Hara puppet.

Latrice Royales’ puppet show bored me the most. PhiPhi O’Hara’s puppet show was dull too, considering all she bitched about was Latrice’s weight. I loved Sharon Needles’ puppet-drag the most. She gave her ‘Chad Michaels’ puppet an extreme silicone lip that absolutely popped on the little doll. Just watching the ‘Chad Michaels’ puppet had me giggling, whereas the banter was a little lack luster. Although Chad Michaels’ puppet didn’t stand out the most, she definitely delivered when it came to creating bitchy banter in her puppet show. Chad gave her ‘PhiPhi O’Hara’ puppet a snaggletooth, and bitched about that. She also bitched about PhiPhi’s ‘the help’ remark and how she can be perceived as racist by some. All I could think was ‘no she didn’t’. But she did, and for going there, she was named the winner of this week’s mini-challenge.

The main challenge this week was a bit complex. The girls had to design three looks in the following categories: Day Time Dog Park Realness; Pooch in Purse Party Girl; and Canine Couture. And as always, to make things a bit more interesting, all of the looks had to be designed with an actual dog breed as the inspiration, a dog they also will walk the runway with in their Canine Couture. In addition to creating their three looks, that had to choreograph an opening group number called ‘Dogs - The Musical’.

As winner of the mini-challenge, Chad Michaels got to choose which bitch got paired up with which bitch. She gave Sharon a Standard Poodle. Latrice received a Pomeranian. PhiPhi got a Bloodhound. And Chad chose a Chinese Crested for herself. Chad was also deemed the ‘head bitch in charge’ of creating the choreography for ‘Dogs - The Musical’.

The group number, ‘Dogs - The Musical’, overall, it was a well performed number. However, PhiPhi’s performance out-shined the others, and the judges agreed. Even for the runway, despite being paired with a Bloodhound, which she was none too happy about, Phi Phi knew how to put some looks together. PhiPhi’s Canine Couture look was my favorite of all of her looks. But when it came to Sharon Needles, I was just blown away. Every look she had was something different on her I’ve never seen her in before. If Gwyneth Paltrow had an evil twin sister, it would be Sharon Needles in her ‘Day Time Dog Park Realness’ look. She almost looks wholesome, almost. Sharon’s ‘Pooch in Purse Party Girl’ look was typical Sharon - edgy and very fashion forward. And the white poodle boots she designed and made herself paired with the platinum poodle hair wig made her ‘Canine Couture’ look an absolute show-stopper. Even Santino commented that she belonged in Italian Vogue.

The judges were blown away also, and named Sharon Needles the winner of this week’s main challenge. PhiPhi O’Hara was also deemed safe, leaving Latrice Royale and Chad Michaels in the bottom two. Latrice was definitely the worst of the bunch. Every look she sent down the runway was either inappropriate or underwhelming. Chad Michaels on the other hand, her first two looks were cute, especially her ‘Pooch in Purse Party Girl’ look. It was Kim Kardashian all day long. But her ‘Canine Couture’ look was not very couture at all. It was just a simple poncho. So, if someone had to be in the bottom two, it had to be her, but just barely. And as quiet as it’s kept, I was kind of hoping Chad Michaels would be in the bottom two this week. Since she’s never been in the bottom two before, there hasn’t been an opportunity to see her ‘lip-sync for her life’. I’ve always wondered if she was all look and no show. This week, I got to find out.

The girls had to ‘lip-sync for their life’ to “No One Else On Earth” by Wynonna Judd. And let me tell you, if you didn’t know then, I’m telling you now, Chad Michaels is a ‘PROFESSIONAL’. The way the bitch worked that song had me literally screaming “you go girl” at the TV. Who knew?

As deserved, Chad Michaels got to ‘stay’, and Latrice Royale had to ‘sashay away’ leaving us with our top three. After this week’s episode, I know for certain that it will be Chad Michaels & Sharon Needles in the top two, but it’s too close to call which of them will be named the winner. However, if I was a betting man, I would have to put my money on Chad Michaels, because while Sharon’s lip-sync skills are decent, Chad’s are ‘PROFESSIONAL’.

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