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Showing posts with label Miami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miami. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2012

LEWD: Florida Pastor Arrested Soliciting Sex from Men in Park!

A Florida pastor was among those arrested this week in a sex sting in a public park: ClarkPolk County Sheriff's Office vice detectives arrested four men, including a pastor and a retired Canadian police officer, during an undercover operation today at Peace River Park in the Homeland area. Detectives said after they made contact with the men, the suspects exposed themselves and/or asked them to perform sex acts on them. Among those arrested was Matthew Preston Clark, 33, of Bartow, who told detectives he is senior pastor at the Blessed Assurance Temple. He was charged with soliciting a lewd act.

"It never ceases to amaze me when professionals such as preachers and law enforcement officers are engaged in such outrageous behavior," Sheriff Grady Judd said in a release. "That type of behavior is not going to be tolerated in our parks. We want to ensure that all of our parks are safe for children and their families to enjoy. "

Friday, December 30, 2011

BACK: Parenting Rights Restored To Lesbian Mom!

Embryo,_8_cellsIn Brevard County, FL, a mother's parenting rights have been restored in appeals court after a previous ruling decreed she had none, according to The Orlando Sentinel.

The woman, a police officer, was in a committed same-sex relationship for more than 11 years. Her partner was infertile; she was not. When the couple decided to have a baby, this woman donated one of her eggs, which was implanted in her partner's womb and brought to term. When the couple split last year, a Brevard County court ruled that the partner who gave birth to the child should have sole parenting rights, though he said the decision "broke his heart." But the law was the law; the partner who donated her egg had no legal standing. Not so, apparently. Last week, writes the Sentinel:

... a state appeals court in Daytona Beach overturned [the] decision, saying the other mother has parental rights, too.

The 5th District Court of Appeal ruled that the U.S. and Florida constitutions trump Florida law and give parenting rights to both women. State law, it added, has not kept up with the times.
"This is a unique case, and the appellate courts in Florida have never before considered a case quite like it," it said.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FIRST: Orlando City Council Enacts Domestic Partner Registry in Unanimous Vote!

Orlando's City Council today voted to enact Central Florida's first domestic partner registry, the Sentinel reports: "This is an historic event for Orlando, and it is a monumentally important event for our community. It will be the first time in our lives that our families are recognized by our government," said attorney Mary Meeks, who helped push for the registry. "At least here in Orlando, our relationships are recognized as real, and they are valued and they are accepted."

Friday, November 4, 2011

SNUBBED: Lesbian Couple 'Humiliated' at Florida DMV!

Married couple Rachel and Charlotte Lambert-Jolley were reminded what inequality feels like during a recent trip to the DMV in Florida.
"You are five feet away from the people in the DMV and everyone starts whispering and talking," Charlotte explained, "it was uncomfortable."

"To have multiple people tell you, 'It's fine, it's fine,' [then] you go in there and think you are good, then boom!  It's a slap in the face, pretty much," Rachel said.

Friday, September 30, 2011

TARGET: Two Florida Gay Men Attacked In Likely Hate Crime!

Hatecrime Manuel Galan and Cirildo Soliz, two openly gay men who live in Immokalee, Florida, were attacked by a gang of five men last week. The incident occurred in the middle of the street, they say, and was completely ignored by passersby.

From Naples News: Both Galan [27] and Soliz, 21, are openly gay but are just good friends, Galan said. They have lived in Immokalee for almost their entire lives and had been called names before. This was the first time verbal attacks got physical, they said.

Monday, September 26, 2011

(Marriage News Watch): Marriage Bans Even Worse than we Thought!

by Matt Baume
Marriage News Watch

Holy cow. Where to begin? Dustin Lance Black's play about Prop 8 hit Broadway for an incredible night. The tapes of the Prop 8 trial might actually get released. Florida's working on domestic partnerships, North Carolina's marriage ban is even worse than we thought, New Hampshire might repeal marriage, and Missouri -- yes, Missouri -- favors legal recognition for gay couples. All that, plus the first Republican co-sponsor for the repeal of DOMA. Wow.

DEFEAT: Nyad Quits Epic Swim Attempt!

(AP) – Endurance athlete Diana Nyad has decided to end her swimming ultramarathon from Cuba to Florida about halfway through, as her face and body grew swollen from painful man o' war stings. Medics warned another sting could be life-threatening. Nyad team member Vanessa Linsley said the swimmer was disappointed and emotional. "She's pissed. Nobody blames her. There isn't anything that can change this ... there's nothing that has to do with your swimming capabilities. You can't control mother nature," Linsley said. 

The 62-year-old swimmer has completed at least 49 miles of the 103-mile passage of the treacherous Florida Straits. She soldiered through the stings, at one point cutting eye and mouth holes through a swim cap she wore over her face to prevent future stings. But around 11:30am, medics warned toxins from the stings were building up and another sting could be serious, Linsley said. Linsley said Nyad was about to get out of the water and was surrounded by her support team. Nyad tried last month, but had to quit after a serious asthma attack made it difficult to breathe. Nyad's website is here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

F-LIST: Florida Teacher Suspended For Anti-Gay Facebook messages!

A Florida-based teacher named Jerry Buell has been suspended from the classroom and reassigned while the Lake County School Board investigates Facebook messages in which he said he "almost threw up" when he heard about New York's marriage equality, which he also said was part of a "cesspool."

Via the Orlando Sentinel: Jerry Buell, a long-time Lake County social studies teacher, said during a recent Facebook exchange that he "almost threw up" in response to a news story about legalized same-sex marriage in New York.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

KARMA: Miami Beach Police Accused of Assaulting Gay Man to Be Fired!

Back in February 2010, I posted about Miami Beach police harassing and arresting a gay man after he witnessed them abusing a suspect. The gay man, Harold Strickland, was on the phone with 911 reporting their assault when the cops came after him. The ACLU filed suit against the Miami Beach police last November.

Strickland Now, the Miami Herald reports that the two officers involved are being fired: Officers Frankly Forte and Eliut Hazzi learned Monday of the city’s intent to kick them off the police force and were relieved of duty without pay, according to City Manager Jorge Gonzalez. He said a hearing in which the officers will have a chance to fight for their jobs has been scheduled for Aug. 1.

After a nearly year-long investigation, prosecutors also declined to press charges against Hazzi and Forte, saying there was insufficient evidence to prove the officers’ guilt to a jury. Instead, they suggested Miami Beach police take “appropriate action.”

Miami Beach police issued a statement Monday saying that although the “investigation concluded that no crime could be proven in relation to the officers’ actions, serious questions were raised about their conduct during the incident.”

While the criminal investigation is closed, the ACLU case is still on. Strickland is seeking more than $15,000 in damages.

Said ACLU spokesman Derek Newton of the firing: “It’s a very satisfying outcome, assuredly, to demonstrate clearly that officers who violate the public trust and engage in misconduct will be subject to consequences. We think that’s very positive and encouraging. We hope that it sets a standard for other communities in the region and state in addressing police misconduct.”

Saturday, July 16, 2011

BANNED: No More Free Underwear for Florida Prisoners!

A Florida sheriff thinks jail inmates have had things too cushy—so he's taking away their free underwear. The Polk County Jail will now sell white briefs for $2.54 and white boxers for $4.48 to male inmates. Those who choose not to pay will have to go without, reports the Tampa Tribune

This isn't the first time Sheriff Grady Judd has made changes in the jail. He previously instructed cooks to prepare less expensive meals, banned basketball-playing, and changed TV watching options from sports and violent shows to educational programs. Judd says the underwear initiative will save the county $45,000 per year. "Why shouldn't they pay like the rest of us pay?" he asks. "This is the county jail; it's not a welfare program."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trans Woman, Gay Man Crowned Prom Queen and King in Florida

Seniors at McFatter Technical High School in Davie, Florida have chosen a bullied transgender teen, Andrew Viveros, and a gay teen, Juan Macias, as their prom queen and king, writes Steve Rothaus at the Miami Herald:

Andrew said some McFatter teens pleaded with school management not to allow her to run for queen.

“Many students have started a petition to have me removed from the ballot,” Andrew wrote last week in a Facebook message. “They also are outraged and say I am making a mockery of prom, because I am going in an evening gown.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SEX-less: Florida May Have Accidentally Banned Sex!

Florida lawmakers with a poor grasp of taxonomy appear to have accidentally outlawed all sex in the state, according to the Southern Fried Scientist. The recently passed law banning bestiality outlaws "knowing sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal"—and since humans are technically animals, consenting adults in Florida will soon be banned from having sex unless their act conforms to "certain husbandry, conformation judging, and veterinary practices," the science blogger writes.

Florida politicians may be a little slow but they haven't forgotten that humans are animals, too, counters the Miami New Times. After Gov. Rick Scott signs the bestiality ban into law, it will enter the chapter of Florida law that deals with crimes against animals, which defines animals as "every living dumb creature"—a definition that presumably excludes all human Floridians.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What a DRAG! Male Student Sent Home for Wearing Pumps!

A male student at Riverview High School near Tampa is in the news after being sent home for wearing high heels to school:

"He likes the way they make him feel. They make him feel more confident, and he just likes to wear them," said Riverview High School senior Hayley Stepp, who says she's a friend of the student.

School officials say they sent him home out of concern for his safety:

"As a principal of a high school, I have to take the paternal side and make sure he's going to be okay," said Heilmann, afraid the boy would be bullied. "Anytime anyone goes out from, quote, 'the norm' or anytime anyone wants to make a statement, you have to be willing to take what comes with it."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Miami Beach Gay Pride festival draws thousands!

Thousands of people from all walks of life came from across Florida and the world Saturday to celebrate at the third-annual Miami Beach Gay Pride festival, the largest single-day event of the year in Miami Beach.

Numerous celebrities and VIPs joined more than 66 entrants and 1,2000 participants marched in solidarity during a bold and colorful parade with Andy Cohen, host of Bravo's Watch What Happens Live, serving as this year's Grand Marshall.

Cohen waved to the energetic crowd from the back of a Rolls Royce. The Bravo executive and star later tweeted a few photos, including a one with Mr. Gay USA 2011.

The parade, which lasted 90 minutes and traveled down Ocean Drive along the Art Deco district from 5th to 12th streets, included spectacular floats filled with beautiful young men and women in beautiful and sexy costumes and swimsuits.

Another highlight of the parade was a salute to "Legacy Couples" – committed LGBT partners who have been together for 20 or more years who participated in the parade together in recognition of their commitment and in affirmation of marriage equality.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Giant LGBT rainbow flag unfurled on South Beach!

A 20-by-80-foot, 50-pound LGBT rainbow flag is unfurled Monday across from The Palace on South Beach at 12th Street and Ocean Drive. Members of the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, including MetLife, unfurled the flag a day after the Winter Party Festival 2011 dance party. The Palace purchased the $2,000 flag for the Miami Beach Gay Enhancement Committee and for Miami Beach Gay Pride in April. The flag will be carried along Ocean Drive during the annual gay pride parade, said Ivan Cano, general manager of The Palace.

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