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Thursday, January 16, 2014

(OUTscene AMERICA) The Ten Greatest 80’s Commercials!

by David Luc Nguyen

Big hair, cheesy music, fear mongering, subtle racism, gross exaggerations and throw in celebrities before they were famous are some of the reasons why 80’s commercials the best!

10. I Learned It From Watching You!
The anti-drug PSA’s were so awesome in the 80’s. It was a three way tie for my favorite one.
“I Learned It from Watching You!”
“No One Ever Grows Up Saying They Wanna Be a Junkie,” and
“This Is Your Brain On Drugs!”

9. Peppermint Gum, Double Your Pleasure? Doubley Catchy Music!
Don’t lie, you know every word to this catchy commercial! Lovin’ the 80’s sexy and the Princess Diana haircuts are so awesome!

8. Motor-Mouth Micromachine Man
I never understood a single thing this dude but all I knew was that I had to have one of those tiny cars!

7. Cherry 7UP and the cutest Friend (Matt LeBlanc)
High Tech Graphics and cutie pie Matt LeBlanc before he was famous is why this commercial is the “Ups!”

6. Chinese, Japanese eeeh…what’s the difference?
It was the 80’s so you can’t be too surprised, Japanese Dude (Mr. Miyaki) talking about digging a hole to China and something about teeth in there too.

5. Milk Does His Body Good!
I remember this commercial. I drank hundreds of gallons of milk in the hopes of growing up to be that tough sexy guy on the other side of the mirror. Instead, all the milk did was make me break out and get bloated! Did you know milk contributes to acne and we are the only animal that drinks milk after adolescence?

4. I Hanker for a Hunka Cheese!
As mentioned before 80’s commercials are super cheesy and this one is the cheesiest. It’s so cheesy I’ve become lactose intolerant just from watching it. It’s also interesting that the guy made of cheese has a creepy resemblance to the gingivitis guy.

3. Ziplock Bags Perpetuate Eating Disorders?
This commercial is so distributing in so many ways. He’s talking to his meat in the middle of the night and shows no signs of self control! Why even bother bagging up the food if you’re just going to eat it five minutes later anyway?

2. How many licks does it take?
Do you remember spending countless hours trying to answer this question? And the countless hours you spent in the dentist’s chair paying for the truth you sought?

1. Where’s the Beef?
Who doesn’t love old chic’s talking about meat and buns?

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