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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

(INTO THE LIGHT WALK) March on for Equality!

by Alan Bounville
7 Vigils, 2 Workshops, 2 Performances, 1 Print News Article, Active Virtual Presence, Countless conversations about equality over hundreds of miles

Just a bit of the intentional activity in which I’ve engaged while walking across Texas…so far. Unless you are new to learning about the Into the Light Walk, you probably know that while I’ve been walking 6,000 miles from Seattle to Washington DC I perform solo plays encouraging people to become active in the shaping of our society, I facilitate social change and Theatre of the Oppressed workshops, and I hold vigils at some of the countless places where people have been murdered or have taken their own lives due to hate based on victim’s perceived or actual gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. I look at this work as what I can do at this point in my to make the world a better, more equal place.

Everything I offer to the community I do so at no cost. And the work I do is based on the good will and support of people who help me along the way. I give at least 10% of the donations I collect to the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund ($750 has been donated to them so far – which, actually is more than 10% of what I’ve collected in donations). And I use the rest of what I raise to pay for food,
lodging, medical needs and supplies. Once in a while I’ll buy myself a beer. But other than that, for the past 9 months I have been living a life that is constantly helping me redefine what I consider to be a ‘want’ and what I consider to be a ‘need’. Living this way has been introspective and clarifying. I’ve been able to have a greater appreciation for the gifts we give each other every day. A smile from a stranger, a piece of fruit given to me while walking, a hot meal, a place to sleep, a sunny yet mild day – everything is heightened.

And I am committed to continue doing as much as I can for as little as I can. Why? Because I deeply believe it doesn’t take millions of dollars to make the world of one’s dreams become a reality. Sure money helps. But the only ingredient that is really needed is the action of people. When each of us makes an effort – has a conversation, goes to jail for justice, uses our talents to bring about change – when each of us does something, we see a world radically reshaped before our eyes. It won’t be decades down the road – because when we take action, the change is immediate.

Allison Woolbert
There is someone I want to bring special attention to in this letter. Her name is Allison Woolbert. Allison is the main person responsible for the Into the Light Walk being focused on gender equality as a way to dramatically further the cause of sexual orientation equality. Allison taught me that as queer or perceived queer folk, we are bashed because of what people see, not what they don’t see. People bash us because of a fear that we are threatening the current gender segregation system that privileges straight men and the people who out of greed or need support such individuals. The current dominant system says that men and women are the only genders. This system also types feminine energy as soft, acquiescent, and care-taking and masculine energy as dominant, energized and responsible.

Disturbing the gender segregation system in our country disrupts power structures that have been in place for generations. And messing with oppressive systems leads to violence against the oppressed. And those folks, like Allison who are just acting normal by expressing their gender in the way that is best for themselves, makes them a target of those who want us to believe one’s gender is some immovable state that is based on what others think it should be instead of static, developing, or constructed by individuals themselves.

Allison knows all too well what doing more with less is all about. As a woman who is transgender, Allison has lived a lifetime dealing with some of the worst our species has to offer to trans folk. But though Allison has become a target of much hate, she has persisted in the struggle to bring about change. She has been involved in the ongoing movement for Congress to pass a bill to protect people federally based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. She has lectured relentlessly on the failings of the gender segregation system in our country. And personally, Allison has given dozens of hours of her time to this walk. Allison is the web master for the Into the Light Walk website. She has given the website its customized look. She is there day or night when I need her to add or fix something. She is the reason I can share so much of what I experience every day with all of you.

And now it’s time, with your help, I give back to Allison. Society has pushed a talented, intelligent person to the sidelines. It has said to Allison – you can’t work here; you can’t be seen in public without people giving you nasty looks; you can’t walk down the street without increased risk of violence against you.

Though I have $75 in my back account right now and only $300 more I know is on its way to the walk fund, I am committing 50% of everything I raise this month to help Allison with her day-to-day expenses. Allison struggles every day to make ends meet. She tells me about how hard it is to survive (never mind thrive) as a woman who is transgender in our hate-filled world. And that needs to change. So, please help me help Allison. She is fighting for us all. She is risking what so many to this day still will not. She is living an authentic life that our society penalizes.

Would you make a donation today?

Thank you for your support of this walk – and of my dear friend Allison. Together we will make it better. And with each action any of us takes, we do get closer to the day when we will be equal!

Walking from Faith and Love,
Alan L. Bounville

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