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Showing posts with label MS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MS. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

(MNW) Kansas Counties Still Refuse to Issue Licenses!

We picked up three states with marriage this week. But in one of those states, some clerks are refusing to issue licenses. Alabama's attorneys are using a discredited anti-gay researcher to build a case for banning marriage. And we have more bad news for what's left of the National Organization for Marriage.

Monday, March 31, 2014

(MNW) Michigan Won't Recognize its own Marriage Licenses!

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has good news and bad news marriage in Michigan. One Missouri lawmaker is taking a stand for equality. We have more good news from national polling. And five couples in Mississippi requested marriage licenses last week. What happened next will probably not surprise you.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

PAYBACK: Tuscaloosa County, AL Threatened with Lawsuit for Censoring Gay Student, Barring Her from Prom!

The Tuscaloosa County Board of Education is being threatened with a lawsuit by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is ordering the district "to stop its censorship of speech supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and its prohibition against same-sex couples at the prom" according to the Tuscaloosa News.

GarrettThe threat stems from at least one alleged incident in early January: On Jan. 5, a Brookwood High School administrator asked Elizabeth Garrett, a 10th-grader at Brookwood, to remove a hooded sweatshirt with a slogan on it reading, “Warning, This Individual Infected With ‘The Gay,' Proceed With Caution.”

When asked why she had to take off the sweatshirt, the administrator told Garrett that it was distracting, said Sam Wolfe, the SPLC attorney leading the case. Garret disagreed with the administrator, but took off the sweatshirt in the bathroom while the administrator waited outside to confirm that she had removed the sweatshirt when she came out.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

VICTORY: ACLU Settles Case of Female Student Excluded from Yearbook for Wearing Tuxedo!

The ACLU has reached an agreement with the Copiah County School District in the case of Ceara Sturgis, who was left out of her school yearbook because she wore a tuxedo in her senior photo, the ACLU of Mississippi reports: SturgisThe district has agreed to adopt a policy that will require all students to wear a cap and gown, rather than require boys to wear tuxedos and girls to wear drapes. As part of the agreement the school will include Sturgis’ photo featuring the tuxedo in her class’s composite picture hanging in the school library.

“I am thrilled that my photo will join my classmates on the wall of our school library,” said Sturgis. “It’s important that nobody else will be forced to wear something that doesn’t reflect who they are.”

The school will also amend its anti-discrimination policy to add language affirming its commitment to following the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

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