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Friday, July 18, 2014

(MK SCOTT) INTER-view: Author Jake Biondi of the Boystown series talks Season 2, and More!

 by MK Scott

‘BOYSTOWN’ series author Jake Biondi released the highly-anticipated second book of his ‘BOYSTOWN’ series this past Month.

The ‘BOYSTOWN’ series began as an online story released in installments, each ending with a cliffhanger. Last November, the first ten ‘episodes’ were published in book form as ‘BOYSTOWN Season One.’ Ending in spectacular cliffhanger, ‘Season One’ left the lives of several main characters in peril. Readers were left wondering who would survive and what would happen next. Now, ‘BOYSTOWN Season Two’ answers readers’ questions and, of course, provides even more twists and turns for its fans. I chatted with Biondi Via Facebook.

MK: When I first heard about Boystown Season One, I thought it was a web series, now I know it is a book series, are there any plans of converting it to the small or big screen?

JAKE: A lot of people, including myself, would like to see BOYSTOWN make the move to television or the internet. It would be a logical transition since I wrote the series in the style of a TV show. Fortunately, there has been some interest from people in Hollywood and I am working with them to try to make BOYSTOWN a television or web series. We are early in the process, but I remain optimistic. So stay tuned.

MK: You left many characters in Peril after season ONE, what shall we expect from Season Two?

JAKE:  “BOYSTOWN Season Two” picks up right where “Season One” left off. All of the fans’ questions about who survives and who doesn’t are answered -- and a lot of the story lines introduced IN “Season One” continue to build in “Season Two.” With the addition of several new characters to the story, “Season Two” allowed me to "mix things up" a little. I think readers will find it even hotter and sexier than “Season one.” While there are new characters, readers will be happy to know that the characters they loved from “Season One” are still at the center of “Season Two.” It's difficult to juggle all the story lines and give the characters similar amounts of "air time" but I think “Season Two” delivers.

MK:  Which Character strongly represents yourself?

JAKE:  I think that all writers put a part of themselves into all their characters. So I would say that all the “BOYSTOWN” characters have a part of my personality in them to some extent. But I would add that Emmett Mancini is closest to my heart. He is the “moral compass” of the “BOYSTOWN” characters and I think a lot of readers connect with him just as I do.

MK:  Where did you find all the Hot Models, was there an audition?

JAKE:  Many of the “BOYSTOWN” models are my friends; they wanted to be a part of the “BOYSTOWN” team and I was grateful to have them involved. I also sponsored a national photo contest so anyone interested in joining the team could submit photos. From the many entries I received from people all over the country, I selected five winners to join the “BOYSTOWN” team. Since then, even more people have approached me about joining the team and I have welcomed many of them on board.

I am also lucky to have the assistance of two important people: Michael Vargas, who is the “BOYSTOWN” Director of Art, Design & Advertising, and Patrick Murphy, who is the “BOYSTOWN” Director of Social Media. These two talented individuals have worked very hard to create the images used to promote BOYSTOWN online and in print media.

MK:  What made you fall in love with Chicago, and write about it?

JAKE:  I have lived in the Chicago area my entire life. As far as I’m concerned, it’s America’s greatest city. Chicago has it all -- culture, history, architecture, sports teams, celebrities, festivals, restaurants, clubs, arts, you name it.

I have lived in the Boystown neighborhood of Chicago for over 20 years now. It’s diverse and exciting -- the perfect place for the series such as “BOYSTOWN” to take place. OUT Magazine recently named Chicago’s Boystown neighborhood as the “best gay neighborhood” in the country -- and I agree with their choice. Boystown is an adult playground with something for everyone.

MK: Who are your favorite writers?

JAKE:  I have always been a huge fan of Charles Dickens. I love the way his novels were serialized -- released in installments, each ending in a cliffhanger to keep this readers coming back for more. In fact, that’s how “BOYSTOWN” began!

The BOYSTOWN series began in June of 2013 as an online story; I intended to release one "episode" online per month, each ending in a cliffhanger. The series became so popular and the reading audience became so large that people began to email me from all over the country demanding to know what happened to their favorite characters and wanting the episodes to be released faster. By November of 2013, I had released 10 episodes and had thousands of readers nationwide and overseas. A reader then suggested that I publish the first 10 episodes as a book rather than leaving it online. So I did. "BOYSTOWN Season One" was released in mid-November of 2013 and immediately began to sell quickly -- both at local bookstores and nationally on websites such as amazon.com and bn.com. In fact, the book has 40 5-star reviews on amazon.com -- an unparalleled achievement!

MK:  My Burning Question, Will there be a Third season? 

JAKE:  Yes -- I am working on it right now and hope to have it released by Christmas.

Like the first book, ‘BOYSTOWN Season Two’ is available at bookstores across the country  as well at online at amazon.com and itunes. Readers may also order the books directly from Biondi’s website: www.JakeBiondi.com

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