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Friday, September 28, 2012

(ester's VIEWS from a BROAD) a WEEK of SNAKES!

by Ester Goldberg

A new study in Italy says the size of male genitalia is SHRINKING. OMG! ( i know 4 size queens who just slit their wrist))

We have some super bad bad news for you: According to a new study in Italy, the size of male genitalia is SHRINKING. Researchers say the average size is about 10% smaller than 50 years ago. OH THE HORROR!

We know the Arctic Ice caps are meltin away..and now.. PEEN?

Religious Snake oil Salesman Joel Osteen Says Being Straight Is 'Not A Choice,' But Maintains Being Gay Is A Sin! 

What is really a sin? being a rich snake oil salesman selling YOUR religion like a prime time tv extravaganza .. with the glitz and glam-our of a weekly Awards show, makes us want to believe your remark OSTEEN? YOU sir are an idiot.. I think YOUR Jesus and the one I've read about are two different people.. the whole Glorification of, and marketing of religion that you..Pat Robertson and the late Falwell ..(who must be burning in hell).. sell each day is a SIN! YEP.that a sin! God created all of us in his image..NOT the image you try to create.

Ex-Gay Porn Star Ryan Idol Sentenced To 12 Years In Prison For Girlfriend’s Attempted Murder ( starlet to Prison bitch)!

90s gay porn star Ryan Idol, née Marc Anthony Donais, has been sentenced to 12 years in state prison after beating his ex-girlfriend about the head with a toilet tank lid.


50 Cent's Four-Step Plan to Stop Masturbating... why?

50 CENT went on a TWITTER RANT has decided that masturbation is a SIN. And in a series of Tweets, he offered a four-step plan to quit.


When FAME WHORES TWIT PIC: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West PDA and make us BARF!

Whenever i can post a pic of this Talentless dreck and her Auto tuned Fame whore Boyfriend...I DO!!... and Remember, the Twunt wasn't even divorced when she threw her fat thighs and equally giant  fat ass into the air started schtupping the tune boi!

SEA WORLD ALERTED of FAT ASS ALBINO WHALE in MIAMI..oops, Kim Kardashian with no photoshop..nevermind!

anytime i can show this home porn star /shill and uber untalented dreck without filters and photoshop ..I WILL.  the fame whore hit the beach..and brings new meaing to  "WE NEED A BIGGER BOAT......."


ABC is developing another F*ckin SINGING COMPETITION SHOW- "TROUPE STARS".. who didn't get the memo about DUETS?

ENOUGH with these mutha fukcin Singing competition shows.. I mean Please.. How many more can we watch?  I love our troops and the fact they are protecting our country..but C'mon.. this is stupid!

"My mother used to say I looked like an 'old dyke'":says designer Karl Lagerfeld!

well..all i can say is..PSSSSTTT......YOU DO NOW!

The 79-year-old German designer has revealed that he became interested in fashion at an early age, however his mother wasn’t particularly encouraging and told him he looked like an ‘old dyke’ in hats.


In Other SNAKE News: 

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