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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(NEW SERIES): Into the Light Walk: Step One: Decide to Be Active!

by Alan L. Bounville

I've been asked to write for this publication about the LGBTQ social movement and sub-movements and about social movements overall. I do a lot of freedom fighting as it appears. And because of that, the publishers feel I might have something to say. Truth is, I'm not sure what I should say. What is interesting to you, the reader? What is helpful? Why do I deserve this platform over the next person? We are all at different points along this journey, so it is foolish for me to think I know more than you about what it will take for us to live in the world of our dreams - and for queer people specifically, to be fully equal under the laws of our country and treated as such by our families and neighbors.

All I know is that I see myself as a person who actively engages in finding solutions through my own actions to the problems we face from day to day. So, maybe I'll start there. In regard to the LGBTQ movements, I am active because I believe the more I get involved in the fight for my rights or the rights of others, the sooner it will be when those rights are concretized in the law and the sooner it will be my family and neighbors will treat me as an equal. So, Be. Active.

Many would say my decision to be active makes me an activist. The word 'activist' I feel puts a label on people that separates us. We are all equally empowered to shape our world. So, titles in a peoples movement, I feel are counterproductive to empowering people to become active, which at my core is my ultimate goal. So, I only believe in the idea of active and passive people.

What does 'active' look like?
Active looks like what you want it to look like. It can be writing a letter to your elected officials, giving them a call, signing a petition, having a conversation with a friend or family member about why it is urgent LGBTQ people - or any group - receives civil rights. Active is also joining your favorite reformer groups for lobby days, getting a chance to talk to legislators and their staffs about the importance of your issues. Active is blocking traffic, blaring music in the middle of the night at an elected official or business owner's house, engaging in civil disobedience for your cause, working with groups to create protests and other actions, walking down your street with a rainbow flag, and on and on and on.

And to define being active as a term - it is simply what I would call direct action. Please don't fear the term direct action - it is really just a catch all for anything you decide to do yourself or with a group to fight for something in which you believe. When you are active you are directly acting to overcome an oppressive situation. It really is that simple.

Active then is what you decide it to be. Now, for me, I believe in engaging in non-violent actions. It allows me to maintain the moral high ground while at the same time building up my strength, character and sense of power over the people and systems who choose to oppress me. I also adhere to a strong policy of making my active engagement in social movements a creative and fun act. I'm not doing this work because I hate to do it - I'm doing it because, first and foremost it fills my soul.

Why not let someone else fight for me?
As stated above, I am a firm believer that we will get to our end goals MUCH faster if we get engaged in the process of working towards solutions to our problems. If I donate $35 to a lobbying organization and think I've done my part, I'm fooling myself. Sure, donating to organizations who are doing work to fight for my rights can be a good use of my funds. (That is, of course if the organization I'm donating to is acting effectively in their role in the social movement. More on how the various roles in social movements are played effectively and ineffectively next time.) But, my voice is much more powerful than an organization speaking on my behalf. To contextualize this approach for queer movements, imagine what would happen if every LGBTQ and allied person took one action for the betterment of the LGBTQ equality cause. We'd have our goals met very quickly.

Why are so few people active?
As an active person, I often hear the question - why aren't more people involved? This question is often accompanied by frustration, exhaustion, disappointment or bitterness. It's actually common for people's involvement to ebb and flow in a social movement. But if you must know, engage in candid, non-confrontational conversations with those who don't consider themselves active in social movements. Maybe the passive person is focussed on climbing the corporate ladder. Maybe they have very real fears they could lose their job, their family's support, alienate people, etc. if they start being more vocal fighting for a cause.

Maybe, for queer people, as much as they say they are out of the closet, in reality they may only fully be themselves in very queer spaces. Such people may still be censoring themselves in mixed-orientation/expression spaces. Such passive people may be more afraid of reclaiming their own voice than upsetting their status quo. Allied people in the LGBTQ social movements may feel similar. Maybe they have internalized heterosexism where they don't want others to think if they overtly fight for LGBTQ rights, they could be perceived as themselves LGBTQ. They too could fear that their overt efforts fighting for queer people could be a risk to their status quo.

To end, each of us needs to come out of the passive closet on our own - BUT the more there are active people growing their involvement in social movements, the more positive peer pressure can be placed on those still struggling to find their voice. And hopefully, through this positive pressure from active people, sooner rather than later more will join in our fun.

How my action(s) are helping?
The truth is - you don't always know if what you are doing is working. Over time in these posts I'll share lots of tools that, hopefully will help you build successful action efforts, campaigns and movements. But, in the end, we all have to trust our gut and recognize that if one person is affected by our efforts, we can rest assured our actions are making an impact. Over time, as we continue to take action, often organically we will see how our efforts sync up with others and grow movements overall. And as movements grow, there's nothing that can stop that energy - the energy created by people power.

What's Next?
Activity: Take ten minutes right now to free write - basically, write down whatever comes to mind. Did anything above help you in any way? Did it not? What kinds of actions do you feel comfortable taking? What do you feel is beyond your comfort zone? What is your moral code when taking action?

Then, if you are ready, decide to do - something. Share that idea with someone you trust. Take your action. Then, share your results with your trusted supporter. and most importantly, don't let people's criticism of your efforts dissuade you. You are your own leader.

Finally, share here in the comments section the action you took so together, we can inspire each other and build the movements we've been waiting for!

Into the Light Walk - In May 2011 a 6,000 mile walk across the United States to end gender discrimination in all its forms will begin. Please consider a tax-deductible donation today to help the walk reach as many people as possible! DONATE HERE and Learn more about the walk and the free social movement and theatre of the oppressed workshops and theatre productions being done along the journey: http://www.intothelightwalk.com/  E-mail Alan at intolightwalk@gmail.com.

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