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Monday, June 21, 2010

FUNNY: Meet Justin Bieber, the Lawyer

The young lawyer wanted to be taken seriously and make a name for himself, but he had a problem: His name is Justin Bieber. "I started getting 50 to 60 friend requests a week on Facebook," the 32-year-old—he's twice the age of the omnipresent pop star—tells the Philadelphia Inquirer,, "and all of these messages that said, 'I love you' or 'I love it when you sing.'"

Rather than drop his first name, Justin Bieber, Esq., uses his full name, Justin Matte Bieber. He even started advertising. "I've gotten several phone calls each week since the ads came out, and I've already picked up a few clients," he reports. It's not a bad strategy, says a marketing professor. "Many people do not know the name of a lawyer, so to have a name like his come to mind so quickly could potentially be very helpful."

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