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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

(OUTview NW) RE-view: You Take The GOOD Acting in SPT's 'BAD Jews'!

It's WAR!                               (Paul Bestock)
by MK Scott

Yes, I have been to New York many times in the past 25 years and you never want to be on the BAD side of a New York Jew, and previously I had went to High School with several Secular Jews so I know culture and pride is a big deal. With a New York Jew you get more than you bargain for with both the Pride and the toughness, so I could relate to Josh Harmon's Play, Bad Jews, currently at the Seattle Public Theater.

Actually I knew a girl in High School like Daphna, tough and sharp tongued on the outside but deeply traditional on the inside. In SPT's Daphna (the Phenomenal, Anna Kasabyan) she is staying at her geeky cousin, Jonah's (the super cute, Ben Phillips) apartment after attending their grandfather's funeral. The two are awaiting the arrival of Jonah’s brother Liam (Ian Bond).

Daphna, who sees herself as a “Real Jew” has branded Liam a “Bad Jew.“ (as in non-practicing but still entited). He missed the grandfather’s funeral because he dropped his cell phone on a ski trip in Colorado. Liam is bringing his gentile (and Blond) girlfriend, Melody (Molli Corcoran) with him back to the apartment.

The play’s DRAMA centers upon Daphna’s strong desire to inherit her grandfather’s chai necklace. He was a holocaust survivor and she wants to honor his memory by wearing it. Liam (his Jewish name is Shlomo) is in possession of the jewelry and for reasons of his own, has no intention of giving it up. Liam tells Jonah his only desire for the necklace is to give it to Melody as an engagement ring.

The problem with the play is that when Liam, Daphna and Melody are at the center of their conflict, Jonah is there but kind of wasted in the corner during the conflict and they could have easily have Jonah leave the scene then come back at the end.

Just taking a break!    (Paul Bestock)
Now Jonah's presence was crucial by the time, the cousins took a break and laughed and remembered their Grandfather, a scene I personally had with my 2 cousins about our Grandfather, who past nearly 20 years ago.

Then it happens, Daphna asks for the Chai and Liam shares his intentions to give it to Melody  (a NON Jew) and Daphna hits the roof on all cylinders and goes after Melody, who is now wearing it.

Later, Jonah shows Daphna, what is more profound then the Gold Chai.

“Bad Jews” at the Seattle Public Theater's Bathhouse Theater  runs through October 25. Chick HERE for TIX.

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